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I posted on Rescue Me because Bella needed more than we could give her. We were foster parents to her to make sure she didn't go to a shelter, but we wanted her to have the life she deserved. Being an Australian Kelpie, and one year old, she needed a lot of activity and challenges and we are seniors. We won't be getting more active. :) I had many responses because she's a beautiful girl, but I wasn't looking for just another 'home' for her. I was contacted by a young man, who had recently lost his beloved best friend (a Kelpie) to a brain tumor. He also had another Kelpie who's very old and has health issues, who was missing her friend also. So I knew this man understood the breed and what was needed. He drove with his lovely girlfriend all the way where we live. There was something almost magical when Bella met her new family. Everyone immediately seemed to 'click' with each other. Everything fell into place. When your head and your gut tells you 'This Is Right'. Although we will miss her very much and it was hard to say goodbye, I know she's going to be very happy. Thank you so much for this site. These wonderful creatures give so much to us and I'm so grateful for people who will 'rescue' a dog who needs a home. Thank you, thank you. |