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1,347,649 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me!

Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Ann Marie Ludlow     Date: May 27, 2017 _
     Ranger and Daisy were adopted together by a family who (I still can't believe it) live on a 106-acre cattle ranch. They will be on a family parcel with multiple houses and in-laws and plenty of animals to chase. They may actually get tired! So happy they can enjoy their instincts to work and herd. I could not be happier that they get to stay together. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Kelpie Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Sally B     Date: May 7, 2017 _
     Thanks, Rescue Me! Bundy has been adopted by a lovely family with two children and two other dogs. The family has a large yard with a good, seven foot fence. They take their dogs for walks every day and the dogs are well fed. Bundy will be micro-chipped, vaccinated, fixed, and will be given heartworm prevention. Bundy was very happy to meet his new family and sat and offered his paw to shake hands and jumped straight into their car. I know he will be happy and well looked after with his new family.

Sender: Juan Lopez     Date: March 5, 2017 _
     I rescued him for a poor living condition. I decided to foster him at my house so he can interact with my dog and also with my son. I had him for two weeks and couldn't find anyone. I had posted him here, Craigslist and was spreading the word at work also. I had made an appointment with the animal shelter so I can turn him in and maybe they would have better luck in getting him a family. The day before I was supposed to take him I received a message from someone that saw him in Rescue Me. She drove a little bit over an hour to come see him and took him right away. If it wasn't for this website he would've ended up in the shelter and who knows how long it would've taken for him to get adopted. Thank you, Rescue Me, for the help!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Kelpie Rescue

Sender: Annette Abshire     Date: August 19, 2016 _
     This beautiful girl is going to her fur-ever home tomorrow! We rescued her from a kill shelter about a month ago. We got her fixed, made sure she received all her necessary vaccinations, and put her on Rescue Me! Within a week, I received a call from a wonderful family that had to have her! Rescue Me has made it possible for us to do this with three other dogs. Without this tool to re-home these dogs, we would never be able to do what we do. Thank you for helping us save lives!

Sender: Lisa Terry     Date: January 4, 2016 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me!!! Our foster girl was adopted to a great home. Thank you for the great site.

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Sender: Connie Sheldon     Date: September 2, 2015 _
     Thank goodness for Rescue Me! We have been on your site only about a month and we already have adopted successfully five out of ten dogs posted. The response to using your site has most definitely been more than we ever could of imagined. Thanks so much for your website and your help with our beloved shelter pets. Sincerely, The Holt County Animal Shelter

Sender: Lori Armes     Date: July 2, 2015 _
     Max was on the EU list in a small shelter. It is a high kill shelter regulated by the county and rules that govern space and available kennels for the 927 square mile county (there are only 33 kennels at this shelter with the empty kennel law for intake). As a volunteer and trying to help all the dogs get more exposure, Rescue Me was a new avenue to help get the CODE RED dogs out there to others in search of a forever furbaby. And, then came a wonderful woman from a LONG way away that called about Max! With a great team effort, Max has been rescued. He is currently being vetted and will be able to go to his new home when the quarantine time is up in a few days. The new owner calls and checks on him at his boarding facility, sends care packages and we cannot wait for them to be united as a new family. Thank you for the successes you have brought to our dogs. This is the third one that has been saved off death row now through our posts on Rescue Me. I am forever grateful.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Kelpie Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Sharon Hotchkin     Date: February 14, 2015 _
     I posted on Rescue Me because Bella needed more than we could give her. We were foster parents to her to make sure she didn't go to a shelter, but we wanted her to have the life she deserved. Being an Australian Kelpie, and one year old, she needed a lot of activity and challenges and we are seniors. We won't be getting more active. :) I had many responses because she's a beautiful girl, but I wasn't looking for just another 'home' for her. I was contacted by a young man, who had recently lost his beloved best friend (a Kelpie) to a brain tumor. He also had another Kelpie who's very old and has health issues, who was missing her friend also. So I knew this man understood the breed and what was needed. He drove with his lovely girlfriend all the way where we live. There was something almost magical when Bella met her new family. Everyone immediately seemed to 'click' with each other. Everything fell into place. When your head and your gut tells you 'This Is Right'. Although we will miss her very much and it was hard to say goodbye, I know she's going to be very happy. Thank you so much for this site. These wonderful creatures give so much to us and I'm so grateful for people who will 'rescue' a dog who needs a home. Thank you, thank you.

Sender: Susan Barba     Date: November 1, 2014 _
     What a fantastic service Rescue Me provides! We were fostering our daughter's three year old Kelpie Mix. Our daughter could not keep her due to her change in marital status. Korra is a wonderful dog but we were unable to keep her. Our lifestyle and work schedules were not suitable to the needs of a Kelpie. Korra loves to go on walks, play ball and is a delightfully active dog. We asked friends, family, associates and even posted her on Facebook. I searched for Kelpie Rescues and Rescue Me came up in my search. I am so very thankful that it did! I had several inquires about Korra within days. I am so thrilled to report that Korra met her new family yesterday and the adopting family is everything and MORE than I could have hoped and prayed for. Korra needs stability and a forever home. Korea has had a long trail of being bounced around from the original owner to shelter to our daughter, to her husband and then to us. Korra is such a sweet and loyal dog but the instability she has endured has made her less trusting than I know she will eventually be. Now that Korra has a forever home she will have the fine, happy, healthy life she deserves. The couple who adopted her are great people and we look forward to hearing from them and getting photos from them of Korra as she finally settles into her new and forever home. Korra means companion and I know she is a good companion. I will miss having Korra with us, but I know she is finally where she belongs! Thank you so much Jeff Gold for developing this remarkable website and program.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Kelpie Rescue

Sender: Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero     Date: August 20, 2014 _
     We said goodbye to our 14 year old Border Collie/Lab/Chow mix last month. It was heartbreaking. We have a Dogo Argentine who's four and has always had another dog around. He was grieving too but in the past few weeks he seemed to be missing the dog energy. We knew it was time to get a dog, but it had to be the RIGHT dog. We wanted an energetic dog because we're active and we wanted Bandit to stay active so we looked at herding breeds primarily. When we found your site we saw so many companion candidates, but the choice needed to be Bandit's. We met several dogs in person with Bandit through Ellen and Tom (what gems!) at their Rescue Ranch. Bandit and Belle hit it off right away. What made it better was Belle also was sweet to us humans. We fell in love! Ellen was incredible as well since she's also a trainer. We'll be taking some classes with her to keep Belle stimulated and to teach the humans how to behave. Rescue Me is wonderful. Thank you for helping us give Belle her furever home!

Sender: Dawn Roccanti     Date: July 24, 2013 _
     A great experience with Rescue Me!, in one week my Australian Kelpie was adopted by a wonderful family.

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