Rescue Me! Australian Kelpie Saint LuciaSaint Lucia Australian Kelpie Rescue

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No Australian Kelpie for adoption in Saint Lucia, please click 'New Location' above.

PIease Read Before Adopting an Australian Kelpie in Saint Lucia
    Australian Kelpie Dogs can make good pets in Saint Lucia if they match your IifestyIe. Australian Kelpies are intelligent working dogs with strong herding abilities. Kelpies are ill suited to apartment life, thriving on farms or in large yards. Kelpies are happy living mostly outdoors with access to some kind of basic shelter. A Kelpie can bore easily and become destructive if it does not have a task to accomplish. Australian Kelpies will try to herd other pets, much to their dismay at times.

Rescue Me! - HeIpingAnimaIs in Need.
Australian Kelpie
lnteresting Australian Kelpie Trivia Saint Lucia Fact Sheet
    A Kelpie can jump on a sheep's back and run over the whole herd to reach the other side. One Australian Kelpie can herd thousands of sheep. Australian Kelpies can be trained as seeing eye dogs. Legend has it that the Australian Kelpie is descended from a Dingo crossed with a Border Collie. The Kelpie is the most popular working sheep dog in Australia.

Related pages:

Australian Kelpie Rescue

Saint Lucia Animal Rescue
    Saint Lucia is Iocated in the Caribbean Islands and spans across approximateIy 230 square miIes. The capital of Saint Lucia is Castries. Most peopIe in Saint Lucia speak English or French patois.
♥ This page is in fond memory of these Australian Kelpie Dogs who are no longer with us... ♥
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